Our Alumni
Research Staff

Alex Chao Chin Seng
B.Sc., National Taiwan Normal U, 2002
M.Sc., National Taiwan Normal, U, 2005
Ph.D., National Chiao-Tung U, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2010
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Chiao-Tung U, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2011
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab, SPMS, NTU, 2012-2013

Chen Jie
B.Sc., Fu Yang Normal College,
China, 2004
Ph.D., Lan Zhou U, China, 2009
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab,
NUS, Singapore

Chittimalla Santosh Kumar Designation: Senior Research Scientist, Albany Molecular Research Singapore Research Centre, Pte. Ltd
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Laboratory, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Gao Lizhu
B.Sc., Shandong U of Technology, China, 2003
M.Sc., Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China, 2007
Ph.D., Sungkyunkwan U, South Korea, 2012
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab, NTU, 2013-2014

Han Manyi
B.Sc., Anhui Normal U, China, 2007
M.Sc., Lanzhou U, China, 2010
Ph.D., Lanzhou U, China, 2013
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab, NTU, 2013-2014
Jiang Zhiyong
Designation: Provincial key lab
of natural medicine and immuno-
engineering, Jimming Campus
Kaifeng, Henan, Henan U.
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab,
NUS, Singapore
Kee Choon Wee
B.Sc., NUS, Singapore, 2009
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab,
NTU, Singapore

Lam Swee Ling
B.Sc., NUS, Singapore
Lab Manager, TCH Lab,
NTU, Singapore
Wang Chao
B.Sc., University of Science
and Technology of China,
China, 2007
Ph.D., University of Science
and Technology of China,
China, 2012
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab,
CBC, NTU, Singapore

Yuan Mingjun
B.Sc., Hubei University, China, 2003
M.Sc., Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China, 2006
Ph.D., NTU, Singapore, 2010
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab,
CBC, NTU, Singapore, 2013-2014

Chua Zhijie
B.Sc. (Hons), NUS, 2006
Ph.D., McGill U, 2013
Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill U, 2013-2015
Postdoctoral Fellow, U of Toledo, 2015-2017
Research Fellow, SPMS, NTU, 2017-2019

Chen Li
B.Sc., Zhejiang U, 2010
Ph.D., NUS, 2015
Research Fellow, SCELSE, NTU, 2016-2020

Ren Jingyun
Designation: Professor, Northwest U, China
B.Sc., Nankai U, 2009
M.Sc., Nankai U, 2012
Ph.D., Hong Kong U of Science and Technology, 2015
Research Fellow, NEWRI, NTU, 2016-2019

Zhang Xin
B.Sc., U of Science and Technology of China, 2014
Ph.D., NTU, 2019
Research Fellow, SPMS, NTU, 2019-2022

Song Zhijian
B.Eng., Hubei Polytechnic U, 2009
M.Sc., NTU, 2013
Research Assistant, NUS, 2014‑2016
Research Associate, NEWRI, NTU, 2016-2020

Ban Xu
Ph.D., NTU, 2019

Genevieve Lau
Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2015
Postdoctoral Fellow, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2015-2016
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale-NUS, 2017-2018
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, SPMS, NTU, 2018-2021

Cao Weidi
B.Sc., Sichuan University, China, 2010
Ph.D., Sichuan University, China, 2015
Postdoctoral Fellow: TCH Laboratory, CBC, NTU, Singapore

Xu Chaoran
B.Sc., Sichuan U, 2012-2016
Ph.D., Sichuan U, 2016-2020
Research Fellow, SPMS, NTU, 2020-2022

Kee Choon Wee
B.Sc. (Hons), NUS, 2009
Ph.D., NUS, 2014
Postdoctoral Fellow, NTU, 2014-2015
Postdoctoral Fellow, NUS, 2015-2016
Scientist 1, ICES, A*STAR,
Research Scientist, CCEB, NTU, 2020-present
Ph.D. Students

Zhang Xin
B.Sc., U of Science and Technology of China, 2014
Ph.D., NTU, 2019
Research fellow, SPMS, NTU, 2019-present
Zong Lili
B.Eng, Harbin Institute of
Technology, China, 2006
M.Sc., Nanjing University, China, 2009
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore
Postdoctoral Fellow, TCH Lab, CBC, NTU, Singapore

Ye Xinyi
Designation: Professor at Zhejiang University of Technology
B.Eng., Zhejiang University of Technology
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2018
Feng Wei
Designation: Research Assistant, NUS, Pharmacy Department
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2012

Liu Hongjun
Designation: Founding Director, CTO, AGplus Technologies PTE LTD.
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2010
Award: Best Publication Award, NUS, 2010; Best Graduate Researcher Award 2010, NUS, 2010
Pan Yuanhang
Designation: Senior Chemist,
Biosensors International
Technologies Pte Ltd
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2012
Ma Ting
Designation: Research Associate at Codexis
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2012
B.Sc., Southwest University,
China, 2003
M.Sc., Xiamen University, China,
Ph.D., TCH Laboratory, CBC,
NTU, Singapore

Designation: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Waksman
Institute, Rutgers, The State U of New Jersey
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore

Designation: Senior Research Scientist, Merlion Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd
Ph.D., TCH Laboratory, NUS, Singapore, 2009
Bachelor of Material Science and Engineering, Hunan U., 2004
Master of Material Science
and Engineering, Beijing U of Chemical Technology, China, 2007
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2011

Designation: Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*Star
Research Scientist
B.Sc., Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technology, China, 1998
M.Sc., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2006
Ph.D., TCH Laboratory, NUS,
Singapore, 2011

Designation: Chief Executive
Officer of Raffles PharmaTech
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2007
Soh Ying Teck Julian
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2009

Leow Dasheng, Jackson
B.Sc. (Hons), NUS, 2005
Ph.D., NUS, 2009
Research Associate, Scripps Research Institute, 2010-2012
Research Fellow, A*STAR IBN, 2012-2013
Contract Asst. Prof., National Tsing Hua U, 2013-2015
Research Fellow, SPMS, NTU, 2016-2019
Designation: R&D Director
of Raffles PharmaTech Pte Ltd
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2009
Fu Xiao
Designation: Research Scientist,
Global Research Center, BASF
South East Asia Pte Ltd
B.Sc., Peking U, China, 2003
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NUS, 2009
Award: Runner Up, 2010 Reaxys
PhD prize, Elsevier

He Wei
B.Sc., Lanzhou University, China, 2003
M.Sc., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2012. Supervisor: Prof. Zhengkun Yu
Research Assistant, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2003-2012
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2017

Chen Wenchao
B.Sc., Henan U, 2011
M.Sc., Henan U, 2014
M.Sc., NTU, 2016
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2020

Chin Kek Foo
B.Sc. (Hons), in Chemistry And Biological Chemistry, Division of Chemistry & Biological Chemistry, NTU, Singapore, 2012
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2017

Cui Xiyang
B.Sc., Nankai University, 2013
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2018
Current Designation: Research Scientist of Novozymes

Ge Yichen
B.Sc, Sichuan University, China, 2010
M.Sc., Sichuan University, China, 2013
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow, A. Goto’s Group, NTU, Singapore, 2018‑2019
Current Designation: Professor, Chengdu University of Technology

Wang Yang
B.Sc, Sichuan University, China, 2010
M.Sc., Sichuan University, China, 2010
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2017

Jiang Huan
B.Sc, University of Science and Technology of China, China, 2013
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2017

Yao Zhen
B.Sc, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2018

Alexandre Millanvois
B.Sc., Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Class of 2014
M. Sc., Sorbonne Université
Current Ph.D. SU and NTU, 2019

Yang Ziqi
Ph.D., TCH Lab, NTU, 2023
M.Sc. Students

Yang Wenguo
B.Sc., Zhoukou Normal University, China, 2007
M.Sc., Henan University, China,
Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh
B.Sc., Vietnam National U,
M.Sc., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore, 2006
Farhana Binte Moinodeen
B.Sc., NUS, Singapore, 2009
M.Sc., NUS, Singapore

Loh Weitian
Designation: Research Technologist,
Dystar Singapore Pte Ltd
M.Sc., TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore,
Award: Singapore National Institute of Chemistry Gold Medal for MSc Thesis

Guan Yanyi Bernie
Designation: Trainee Medical
Writer in Vivo Communications
(Asia) Pte Ltd
M.Sc., TCH Lab, NUS, 2008
Part-time Research Assistant,
TCH Lab, NUS, Singapore

Dong Sheng
B.Sc., Zhejiang U, China, 2011
M.Sc., NUS, Singapore, 2014

Goh Kien Soon
Designation: Junior College
B.Appl.Sc. (Hons), NUS,
Singapore, 2011
M.Sc., NUS, Singapore, 2012
Award: Sim Geok Soo Medal,
Xue Hansong
B.Sc. (Hons), NUS, Singapore, 2009
M.Sc., NTU, Singapore, 2015

Visiting Researchers / Exchange Students

Oliver Dumele
Designation: Ph.D. student with Prof. F. Diederich, ETH Zürich
Diploma in Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg U, Mainz, Germany (Studienstiftung Fellowship),
Visiting Researcher, NUS, Singapore, 2011

Adil Kabylda
B.Sc. and M.Sc., Chemistry,
Moscow State University, 2021,
Exchange, 2018

Chen Changxing
B.Sc., Nanjing Tech U, 2017
M.Sc., Nanjing Tech U, Class of 2017
Exchange, 2018-2020

Nicoleta Copaci
B.Sc., Jacobs University Bremen, 2017
M.Sc., EPFL, Class of 2020
Exchange, Sept 2019-Mar 2020